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History Of Italian Food » Italian Food Store Maryland

A Guide To Maryland

The state of Maryland is located on the east coast of the United States. The state came into existence in the year 1788 as a colony founded by Lord Baltimore. Maryland is surrounded by the state of Delaware in the east, Virginia in the south and Pennsylvania in the north.

The state is geographically divided into east and west Maryland by the Chesapeake Bay. The shores surrounding the bay are heavily indented, which helps in the development of fishing and local farm economy.

The state of Maryland is spread over an area of 27,394 sq. km. and has a population of around 5.2 million according to the 2000 census. The constitution of Maryland was adapted in 1867. It is governed through a general assembly consisting of 47 senators and 141 delegates elected for a four-year term.

Baltimore, the largest city and port in Maryland is a great tourist attraction. The state is home to a number of military bases like Fort George G. Meade and Andrews Air Force Base. Apart from agriculture, the economy of Maryland is a mix of various industries like electric equipment, food processing, chemical products, machinery, primary metals, coal, tourism, information and biotechnology.

Maryland has had a turbulent history, especially during the times of the Civil War when the state witnessed several wars. However, today the image of the state has changed and become a popular spot for tourists and vacationers alike. The beaches in and around Chesapeake Bay are attractions that are worth checking out.

Tourism is one of the largest industries in Maryland. There are a variety of tours and packages to suit the need of every traveler. With newer industries adding to the job opportunities in the state, Maryland is headed for a better and brighter future.

Maryland provides detailed information on Maryland, Ocean City Maryland, Map Of Maryland, Maryland Lottery and more. Maryland is affiliated with TN.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jimmy_Sturo