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History Of Italian Food » Italian Fast Food

Food Snowball Rolls On - Slowly

Slow Food is not only about great food and good eating. It is as much a philosophy of life as anything else. It represents a slower lifestyle, taking time out to enjoy the pleasures of life. In essence it is the exact opposite of the fast food, frenetic lifestyle of today.

It is a snowball that is becoming a global battle against corporate brands, uniformity and poor quality food. Slow Food producers are the little guys and families that have been producing products fresh from the land – organically grown products long before “organic” became popular. Genuine people producing genuine products.

The Slow Food Italy Association began in 1986. It came about to protect Italian traditions and food from the fast food culture. The Slow Food movement now has 40,000 members in Italy and over 80,000 in a further 130 countries. The heart of the Slow Food Italy movement is Piedmont and it is in Piedmont that the Slow Food movement has opened the world’s first University of Gastronomy. Situated in Polenzo Piemonte the university offers undergraduate degrees in gastronomic science and other related subjects. An absolutely beautiful place open to students from across the globe.

Piedmont's wine route is where you will find the university. Perhaps the best of all Italy's wine routes, this area is known as the Langhe. It is a place I love and I have spent a lot of time exploring and sampling the wines. This is also the home of the famous Alba truffle and you will find a veritable feast of good food, cheese and the best Italian wines from the most famous of Italian wine grape varieties.

The hills and towns of this area are every bit as picturesque as the better known Tuscan ones. In fact there are more hills per square mile here than in Tuscany. Autumn is the time to visit this region, this is the season when the vineyards are a blaze of colour and every small town has a local truffle, mushroom or wine festival. There is nothing better than wondering around the historic centre of an old town savouring local delicacies and great cheeses.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_James_Smith