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Italian Garden Design - Why Use A Garden Designer To Create An Italian Garden

Garden design is an art-form, specific to each country and Italian garden design is clearly of no exception. Italian gardens have evolved throughout history by following social changes and Italian garden design has been strongly influenced by many factors over the years, mainly by the control of the Aristocracy, agricultural practises and the availability of food etc. Therefore, to enable one to interpret the specific style and identity of the differing phases in Italian garden design/history, one would need an extremely good understanding of Italian culture and history. Mistakes are easily made regarding the interpretation of various Italian garden styles from Renaissance to contemporary or from formal to informal.

A professional garden designer can prevent the homebuyer in Italy from making some socially embarrassing and even expensive errors when designing his or her Italian garden and a good garden designer should compliment the existing architecture of the house with intelligent garden design. Good garden design is rather like the Italian fashion industry, for example, even the ugliest house can be rendered attractive with good garden design, in the same way that even the least attractive of humans can be transformed by dressing him/her in fine Italian clothing.

The Italian property market still harbours some great investments and an Italian garden designed in the correct manner will make a major difference to the value of any Italian property, rendering it automatically attractive and pleasant at first sight. Such harmony between the house and the land surrounding it is not easily achieved without professional advice and any money spent on a professional garden design will be retained (and possibly doubled!) in the value of that property in years to come. However, it has to be said that an over elaborate, high-maintenance garden can have the opposite effect and can, in actual fact, scare the potential buyer away.

A garden designer will choose plants that are perfectly adapted to the climate, altitude and soil type of your garden and will therefore save vast amounts of money on buying mistaken plants that would otherwise die in their first season. The garden designer will also provide consultation and general good advice for the aftercare of the garden, which will aid in establishing the garden.

Modern garden designers are now placing a much higher emphasis upon low-maintenance garden design that still manages to retain strong structure, form and overall harmony within the garden space yet increases property value. Low maintenance, cost and the environment are major factors in today’s property market and having the chance to create a garden that can address all of these factors surely explains why a garden designer is essential when designing an Italian, Mediterranean or any garden in this modern world.

Jonathan Radford is an English landscape designer, dedicated to creating ecological, Italian-style gardens from his base in Siena, Tuscany.

Contact him at info@web-ecologica.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jonathan_Radford