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Learning Italian in Italy

Everybody knows that can be one of the most fantastic experiences you can have in your life.

Three days ago, one of my students came back from a memorable, intensive course to learn Italian in Florence.

We crossed each other on campus while I was walking to teach a Level I class. She was radiant and fashionably dressed in unmistakably Italian clothes. Claudia, in her forties, looked ten years younger.

With curiosity, I asked her how it went in Italy. I have to clarify here that she took all three Italian levels that I teach at the University of Houston in the Accelerated Foreign Language Program. And that she was ready and confident to study for two weeks in Florence in a "total immersion" program designed for learning and practicing Italian day and night.

She started to tell me what an incredible time she had. Unfortunately, we could only chat in fluent Italian for a few minutes before I had to get to class. We agreed to meet again so she could tell me more of her adventures in this famous Italian city.

Yesterday we finally had the opportunity to lunch together, and she gave me a good overview of her experience in Florence. I appreciated her new Italian accent. It was outstanding and well above my expectations.

I have already experienced several methodologies used to ease students into absorbing and integrating a new language, but I was fascinated by her enthusiasm for the way it is done at her school in Florence. With her eagerness and my curiosity, we could have talked for hours and hours.

The course in Italy is designed to integrate fun and exciting adventures into the learning process. Shopping, dancing, eating and discovering unique parts of the city are all activities in a well-designed program. I was admiring the creators of the course for their capability to combine study and everyday life in such an impeccable, harmonious balance.

Italians are known for being great teachers. Creativity and beauty make them famous all around the world. On top of that, the charming environment of Florence and the Italian people themselves make, without a doubt, learning an unforgettable experience.

Here in Houston at the Accelerated Foreign Language Department, we use a unique way to learn new languages that is ideally suited to adult learners. This method employs the best teaching practices with whole-brain learning theory to maximize each individual's learning style. Our system is a combination of accelerated "tools" where we recreate the way Italians learn to speak naturally from the time they are born. We try to make the student feel like they are actually in Italy.

In Italy, the method is similar, but with the great advantage that there is no need to recreate being in Italy. You are in Italy. And all around you, everyone speaks Italian, from teachers and staff to neighbors and shopkeepers.

The experience is real and complete. And...very effective.

Sergio Tamburri
Italian Instructor
Accelerated Foreign Language Department
University of Houston
Learn Italian Now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sergio_Tamburri