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A Quick Tour Of Italy - Launching A Series

You may be familiar with my series of articles I Love Touring Italy – The … Region in which I examine an Italian area or city focusing on its tourist attractions, wines, and food, chock full of information unavailable elsewhere. I readily acknowledge a problem with these articles; they tend to be long, because there is so much to say for every place visited. When I see these articles posted on my web site or elsewhere I feel for readers who are intimidated by their length. So here’s what I suggest.

Perhaps you are considering touring the Italian port city of Genoa. My Genoa article exceeds 2000 words, not that there’s anything wrong with that. I’ll rewrite the article boiling it down to the 300-400 word range. Once you read this capsule I think you’ll want to read the longer article in the I Love Touring Italy series in preparation for your Genoa trip. That’s the idea.

The U.S. Tour Operators Association annual survey states that Italy is the world’s top vacation destination. Italy has something for everyone; centuries-old secular and religious sites, isolated villages and dynamic cities, beaches, ski resorts, and world-class fashion. Don’t forget its outstanding cuisine and unique wines. Italy offers an unmatched selection of local grape varieties and international ones including Chardonnay and Pinot Noir.

Whether you are touring Italy or the local wine store you should know about the four Italian wine classifications that presumably help consumers choose their wine. VdT means Vino da Tavola, translated as table wine. There are few restrictions on table wines, which are usually quite ordinary. IGT means Indicazione Geografica Tipica, translated as Typical Geographic Indication, typifying its specific location. Some IGT wines are excellent. DOC means Denominazione di Origine Controllata, translated as Denomination of Controlled Origin. Each region has at least one DOC wine; some have dozens. A DOC defines the wines permissible grape varieties and many details about the grape growing and wine making process. About one fifth of Italian wine is classified DOC or better so a DOC on the label doesn’t guarantee quality. DOCG stands for Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Guarantita, translated as Denomination of Controlled and Guaranteed Origin. However a G on the label is no guarantee of quality. Italy also classifies many kinds of food.

Have you had enough of the generalities? Let’s tour Italy. (We almost made it under 400 words.)

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten books on computers and the Internet, but to be honest, he would rather just drink fine Italian, French, or other wine, accompanied by the right foods. He teaches classes in computers at an Ontario French-language community college. He knows what dieting is, and is glad that for the time being he can eat and drink what he wants, in moderation. His central website is www.wineinyourdiet.com devoted to the health and nutritional aspects of wine and its place in your weight-loss program. His global wine website is www.theworldwidewine.com. Visit his other websites devoted to Italian wine, Italian travel, and Italian food.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Levi_Reiss