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Healthy Homemade Dog Biscuits

Every dog loves a tasty biscuit to chew on and what better way to show your dog that you care than to make homemade dog biscuits for him. Dog biscuits are excellent for maintaining your dog’s dental health and when you bake homemade dog biscuits you can provide additional nutritional value in these biscuits.

Many commercial prepared dog biscuits are very high in fat. This fat content is what makes the biscuits so appealing to dogs. Baking homemade dog biscuits provides you the opportunity to make a healthier version of dog biscuits. When you make your own homemade dog biscuits, you have the flexibility to eliminate or reduce the amount of high fat ingredients in the biscuits. You can also opt to replace the fat found in meat with the healthier forms of fat that is found in peanut butter. Both sources provide your dog with a source of protein but the fat in meats is not as healthful for dogs as the fat found in peanut butter.

You also have the option of including vegetables in your homemade dog biscuits. Whether or not the recipe calls for vegetables you can always grate a few vegetables into your homemade dog biscuits to provide additional nutritional benefits to your dog. Incorporating vegetables into these homemade dog biscuits gives the treat an added flavor as well as many of the same health benefits that humans derive from consuming vegetables.

To find free homemade dog treat recipes, check out Todd's website at: http://homemade-dog-treat-recipes.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Todd_Jones