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Blu-ray Movies: Mission Impossible 3 Reaches Record Sales!

Blu-ray is truly a technological marvel being able to hold around six times more information than a DVD, and close to double more the information of a HD DVD. But, how will consumers react to it? That has been the talk of the developers of Blu-ray as well as eager die-hard fans of Blu-ray.

Fortunately, a peek into the future of Blu-ray was achieved around November 10th, 2006 as record sales began to make themselves evident as Blu-ray movies started to become harder and harder to find, especially Mission Impossible 3. As soon as Mission Impossible 3 was available in Blu-ray format, they began flying off the selves and into the homes of thousands. A reported 20,000 to 35,000 Blu-ray Mission Impossible 3 movies has been sold in a period of days. With such early success, Blu-ray's future seems to be getting brighter and brighter.

But will the transition from DVDs to Blu-ray Disc be realized?

There are hundreds of millions of DVDs out in the market and in homes all over the world today, and to play those DVDs you need a DVD player. So the future of Blu-ray is determined by getting more Blu-ray players into more homes, and with the costs of today's Blu-ray players, the probabilty of that happening is very low.

Here comes the Sony Playstation 3

Yes, the Sony Playstation 3 is a big part of the answer. WHY? Because the Sony Playstation 3 is a Blu-ray player. Millions of Playstation 3s has been either pre-sold or sold already and with the holiday season getting ever so closer, there's no telling the how many millions of people will have a Blu-ray player.

Blu-ray has a great future!

Mission Impossible 3 is just the beginning. Though the future looks great for Blu-ray, underestimating HD DVD can have devastating consequences. However, consumers seems to agree, Blu-ray is a must have.

Get your Blu-ray Movies including the Mission Impossible 3 Blu-ray movie


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephan_Smith