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Planning an Accordian Album For Scrapbooking

Let's learn all about planning for an Accordian Album for Scrapbooking

Everyone has a set of good and bad memories that they cary with them at all times. Usually those good memories paint smiles on your faces while the bad ones sadden your hearts. Whichever kind of memory it is, these things occur in your life when you least expect them.

Keeping pictures of the happy events in your life with whoever the people are that shared them with you is one way of keeping those joyful memories alive and on top of your thoughts.

Most people love to take pictures during field trips, holidays, vacations, birthdays, graduations, weddings, and many other occasions. With these photos, you capture the memory and help preserve it in the minds of those who glimpse the photos and hear the stories. But, are you one of the many that let your photos just lie there in plain boring and traditional-looking photo albums with no reference to start the story they could tell? Don't you want to spice them up and make sure that the story they tell is the one that really happened? This is where a simple accordian scrapbook album comes in.

You need not be an expert photographer or an experienced artist to create simple scrapbooks. All you need is the concept of the design and an idea for the layout of your scrapbook plus of course the photos which you want to include.

Today, most of the work can even be done on your home computer, so you don't need a lot of space or expensive hand scrapping tools. And, there's virtually no mess... pun intended.

Let's get started.

Have you ever heard of the term accordian album? You may have encountered these things or you likely may even keep one in your bedroom. An accordion album is not that standard photo album tucked away in a closet or box collecting dust... It is a much smaller, easy to handle scrapbook. Accordion albums are also best used for keeping alive those happy memories of your loved ones or short day trips to the beach. Love relationship accordion albums are one of the most common of all. As lovers, you have certainly spent several good times together and you would want such vivid happy memories to live on forever. In this way, creating an accordion album for scrapbooking will work out just perfect!

The number of photos to be included in the accordian scrapbook determines the size and layout to be employed. To keep the memories more vivid and alive, you can make use of poems, quotes, love songs, or other simple statements related to the event you are capturing. In this way, the intimate feelings and emotions will be manifested in your work of art thus capturing the memory and feelings for a lifetime or more.

When writing down the journaling notes, you may even recall some funny or memorable incidents about the photo in order to make the caption more expressive and alive... not to mention set the story the image tells on the correct path to the right conclusion. The colors will also have to play a great role in the journal. Softer colors such as pastels and blue or silver and gold are perfect for this type of album. These colors make the pages of the accordian scrapbook more attractive and loving.

However, childrens zoo or camp albums do well with bright reds, greens and yellows. Happy colors for a very happy time in their lives.

Worthy Topics for the Accordion Scrapbook Album

Among the topics which you can employ for your accordion album include the "Ten Things I Love about You" or "The History of Our Relationship". I also use them for my child's First Trip to The Zoo or their First Week at Camp. Whichever more personal topic you decide to employ... you can trust it will make an intimate impression on your scrapbook.

More so, the accordion album for scrapbooking may also serve as memorabilia for items such as cards, love letters, an anniversary restaurant menu, special concert ticket stubs, dried flowers (must be fully encased so as not to destroy the other pages over time), and many other things which both of you have given to each other. Just remember, the thicker an item is, the larger the book and the more chance that it will be damaged or come loose and be lost over time.

You may likewise have a question and answer portion that both of you will answer and use as journaling for the scrapbook. The questions may revolve around your favorite food, pet peeves, traditions, future goals, favorite pastimes, and the things which you mostly agree and disagree on. Future generations will especially treasure these notes as it will give them an intamate look into who you really were and what you thought and felt at the time.

The Importance of the Accordion Album for Scrapbooking

The accordion album for scrapbooking is one quick and easy way of recording special memories that you and your lover share. Doing it entails a lot of fun too. You can even laugh by yourself as you remember particular incidents associated with the pictures. As you show it to your partner and friends, rest assured that he, she or they will also be very happy with your captured memories.

Some Valuable Steps to Follow

Before finally starting with the scrapbooking, especially the "old" traditional hand scrapped albums, first get all the pictures that you will include in the craft ready. Sort them out according to events and according to chronology (time and date). Before pasting the photos (hand scrappers), make sure that you've already conceptualized the sequence of those as they will appear in the pages. If you are not useing the "New" digital or computer scrapbook techniques... once you glue the photos down, there's no going back without spending more money on more photo prints and scrapbook supplies. That's why I love digital scrapbooks so much... you can play with colors, fonts, layouts and more all you want. It costs you nothing until you hit the print button.

These accordian albums should, for the most part, be conserviative due to the limited space. Once in a while you can put in large artistic embellishments onto the pages. Just never fail to leave room to include the photo captions too. Do this all throughout the pages of the scrapbook. By carefully following the ins and outs of the planning steps, you are on your way to a very memorable accordion album for scrapbooking!

Happy Scrappin'

Wes and Kathy own and operate multiple digital scrapbook membership sites, including: The Most Incredible FREE Digital Scrapbook Gift... EVER!. Membership offers much more than just scrapbook templates, it's help when you need it and a friendly push to keep you on track. You can also visit FreeScrapbookTraining.com for FREE Photo Calendar Templates and FREE Photo Greeting Card Downloads.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wes_Waddell