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Pop Music is Flexible

Pop music, on the other hand, has primarily come into usage to describe music that evolved out of the rock 'n roll revolution of the mid-1950's and continues in a definable path to today. Pop music is not usually written, performed and recorded as a symphony, suite, or concerto. Pop music gets something of a tough time these days.


Music is one of the most basic experiences for human beings. Musicians are offended by this because we think music should engage you. The definition of pop music is purposefully flexible as the music that is identified as pop is constantly changing. At any particular point in time it may be easiest to identify pop music as that which is successful on the pop music charts. For the past 50 years the most successful musical styles on the pop charts have continually changed and evolved. However, there are some consistent patterns in what is identified as pop music. This would include an extremely wide range of music from vaudeville and minstrel shows to heavy metal. Pop music, on the other hand, has primarily come into usage to describe music that evolved out of the rock 'n roll revolution of the mid-1950's and continues in a definable path to today. This means the music that sells the most copies, draws the largest concert audiences, and is played most often on the radio.


It's not serious or straightforward enough to be called jazz. These often were by piano trios, playing light classics and sanitized jazz and featuring titles like, "Cocktail Time" and "Cocktails, Anyone. It derives from the Blues, in its essence, and has had more contaminations with pop music than Jazz. This style has become rich of musical subgenres: Soul, Funk or funky pop (not to confuse with the jazz funk developed from Miles Davis in `60s and ‘70s), until arriving to Hip Hop, belong to it. It conciliates pop melodies with jazz and above all with blues sounds and rhythms. Dance rhythm and blues piano album "Modern jazz dance "Piano Fender Rhodes improvisations on rhythm and blues and dance rhythms. His jazz improvisations bring you to the magic, spiritual and mystic sense of music based on Gurdjieff 's teaching. It was not terribly difficult to decide how to separate jazz music from pop music. The idea is that you should read this book first, then the history of jazz music and the history of rock music. Latin music started working its way in even as early as the Forties and Fifties in jazz.

The definition of pop music is purposefully flexible as the music that is identified as pop is constantly changing. At any particular point in time it may be easiest to identify pop music as that which is successful on the pop music charts. However, there are some consistent patterns in what is identified as pop music. It is tempting to confuse pop music with popular music.

Claire Brown is a successful Webmaster and publisher of www.WeKnowMusic.net. She provides more information about music and what has influenced them over time that you can research in your pajamas on her website.

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