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Italian Music

  • Italian London
    Italians have been coming to live in London for hundreds of years, including Canaletto, the famous Renaissance Artist whose works can be seen in the National Gallery and Buckingham Palace. In the first half of the 19th century, there was an influx of political refugees into London. By 1854 London's first Italian community of about 2000 was formed in Clerkenwell. Many opened businesses in the catering industry, or worked as artisans, street vendor Read More...
  • Travel to Italy to Study Italian
    There are many and various reasons a person may have in learning another language. In terms of learning the Italian language, it could be more of a personal interest followed by the importance of being able to speak the language for travel purposes. A person can come up with any sort of reasons and yet, the ability to be able to use it properly lies on the process of learning it. Travel to Italy Even if you think you are nothing compared to oth Read More...
  • Learning Italian Has More to It
    The romance languages of Europe, has familiar similarities to each of them. This is because the languages such as French, Italian, and Spanish all came from the mother language, Latin. This means that there are functions and words that are in relation with each other among the languages mentioned above. If you already know portions of speaking French or Spanish (either of these languages), you are actually helping yourself in enriching your fore Read More...