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Meeting Women At the Club or a Music Festival Whats the Difference

When it comes to meeting single women at music festivals a lot of men approach the situation as if they were going to a bar or club.

However, the only similarities between music festivals and clubs are that they both play music and serve alcohol.

Single women at music festivals are generally more open and of higher quality than those that frequent clubs because there is a specific reason why they are there.

Single women at clubs usually say they are there to dance or hang out with friends, yet the truth of the matter is they either went to show off and tease guys or are looking for a man.

Which means there radar is going to be up and you have to do a lot of thing in order to get her, granted those things once you know them are not hard but you still have to do them.

However, single women at music festivals are there because they like that particular genre of music or they are looking to have a good time.

Either way for men it means she is going to be much easier to meet, either you will already have a connection based on the assumption you like the same type of music or she is looking to have fun and so are you.

Of course the type of music festival that you go to is going to play a big factor in the type of women that you meet.

The woman of Ozzest are going to be into a certain type of a guy and fun for the most part that is nowhere close to the type of guy and fun that the Sedona Jazz festival woman is looking for.

Another difference between music festivals and clubs is you can walk around at a music festival and enjoy yourself more freely than the overcrowded jam-packed atmosphere of a club.

Teddy Shabba is a Dating Coach for Men and creator of Dating Advice and Tips for Men which provides an abundance of information for men on dating and more. If you would like more information on how to attract, seduce and meet women sign up for the Teddy Shabba Dating Advice Newsletter for Men today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Teddy_Shabba