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Salem Oregon The Willamette Valley Also Renowned For Its Pinot Noir

Recently, there was a TV show on Salem, Oregon which attracted my attention. In it, one of the top food critics visited Salem – specifically Willamette, to sample its renowned cuisine. While this was certainly a plus for the city, as the host walked around the downtown area, the quaintness and the friendly atmosphere became more than apparent.

In fact, the host decided to go to Willamette University to have lunch, and it was the quality of the food which intrigued him. He noted the menu, which was quite inexpensive, contained cuisine that was not only considered above average, but was prepared by an in-house chef whose gourmet style was well known in culinary circles.

As the host continued the tour of the city, he came upon the Willamette winery, wherein the owner explained their winery was built before the winery in the Napa Valley, and went on to point out their Pinot Noir was perhaps the best in the country.

As a college town, Salem has a wide range of cultural amenities as well. The host pointed out the beauty of its landscapes, and continued to impress upon the viewers the warmth and hospitality of its residents.

I think when one considers a place to retire; it is this kind of town which is more attractive and conducive to retirees than others. Cuisine aside, living in a city that offers diversity, culture, and history are important aspects for a retiree - especially if they have been participants in the same sort of culture back home.

College towns seem to thrive more than others. Perhaps it is the nature of young people occupying a city and enhancing its culture and their ability to make their town one that becomes more than family-oriented, and attracts people who want to be a part of something special.

Salem, Oregon is not only an ideal college town, but an ideal place to retire as well.

Charlotte Demontigny is webmaster of Places to Retire.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Charlotte_Demontigny