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The Many Moods Of Italian Tapestries

Italian tapestries are artistic creations by the finest of artists, inspired by their surroundings steeped in beauty, history and Renaissance culture. Art lovers and collectors through out the world have recognized the artistic beauty and mastery of the Roman masters who weaved magic through their tapestries. Italian tapestries with romantic landscapes are among the most famous European Middle Age antique tapestries. Rich fabrics intricate detailed weaving and bold colors make each tapestry a piece in time.

Romance, beauty and landscapes were a major source of inspiration in the age of enlightenment (19th century). Tapestries were vibrant in color and portrayed a human emotion or an exotic experience. Italian tapestries done up in rich fabrics with detailed weave professional standards have always been considered the best pieces which have always maintained their popularity and demand among art lovers throughout the world.

History tells us that the Renaissance period has produced some of the best artistic products and this includes Tapestries too. No artwork of that time could be seen devoid of the flavor of the Renaissance age. The era was all about maintaining a sense of elegance and style in all art forms. Popular artists like Portiere produced magnificent landscape wall tapestries for Princess De Polignac's Castle while Boucher created romantic tapestry wall hangings, which are popular till date.

All Italian tapestries were a portrayal of the illusions of what reality should be like. True to most Renaissance creations, the tapestries are usually more intellectual, more abstract and more scientific with the perfect form, detailed work, and an unmatched grandeur as the center of attraction for the common observer. Like all Italian artwork the Renaissance spirit has influenced the course of art history and this can be seen quite evidently in the tapestries or wall hangings of most of the Italian masters.

Much later also Renaissance tapestry, evolved later with completely opposite views and expressions. Clearly the Gothic pictorial art seen in hand-woven tapestry art told a story beautifully and precisely, but as in most types to tell a story at any cost. Artist’s like Raphael associated themselves with the Renaissance School of Ancient Roman Art, giving rise to a distinct style in tapestry art during the early sixteenth century era.

Small Italian towns like Ferrara, Siena and Mantua, developed their own style of tapestries, which reflected the development of local culture and folklore. Some of these Italian creations achieved substantial credibility and popularity to last for some years, but since they were restricted to the funding, tastes and creative outpourings of a small group of wealthy patrons, their longevity was limited and largely wasted too.

For more information on tapestries and to purchase wall decor, please visit our website

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Meghan_Kerwood