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Italian Food Recipe

  • A Classic Italian Pizza Recipe From Storecupboard Ingredients
    When I asked my son what was his favourite food, his immediate answer was "mums homemade pizza". In fact, this was the meal that I most often used to "throw together" whenever my children had friends unexpectedly join us for a meal. Whilst Elizabeth David was probably the one to popularise Italian cooking in the mid-1950's, the person who really inspired me to try it for myself was Antonio Carluccio who wrote with real passion about the food of Read More...
  • Italian Pasta Recipe - Pipe Pasta with Eggplants
    This is one of the quickest Italian pasta recipes and, as it is made with tomatoes and eggplants only, is very low on fats content! It comes from my grandmother's cookbook and I remember that all of my family was really happy when we saw this incredible pasta for lunch or for dinner. It's great even if your fridge is completely empty (mine often is, especially when I work a lot) and you still want to enjoy what you eat, or you discover by surpris Read More...
  • For The Love Of Italian Food – Pasta And Cauliflower Recipe
    Mangia! Mangia! I just can’t get enough of the great taste of Italian foods. Italian pasta, pizza, pork, beef and seafood recipes are much a part of my everyday life. Growing up Italian in Chicago has been a wonderful culinary experience to say the least. The many different restaurants and families from different regions of Italy allowed me to taste some of the most delicious food in the world. Food always conjures up great memories. Whe Read More...