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Traditional Italian Music » Italian Folk Music

Culture For Peace Through Folk Music For Peace

I believe that music has tremendous power, folk Music of every nation is deeply rooted in the heritage, beauty and Truth, I feel that it should be shared by all nations and the United Nation has to play this important role more effectively, right now whatever available is not enough, more gatherings of youths has to be organized, more music has to be shared, more collective Music projects can have to be made, with the help of all artists and Using the platform of United Nations we can develop such a universal culture of Peace through Music which can facilitate the creation of a bridge of Peace and harmony among all nations.

I believe artists have a good influence on the public and can use their Music for a specific cause not for war but for Peace, and reduce the Influence of the mainstream media which sends a message which is against human values and full of violence. Human souls need peace and the best form in my opinion is Music.

We can deliver the best with music because it is a link between souls And when this link grows it can create that real and firm foundation on which our upcoming generations feel Love, not hate for other nations, and the best way is to share goodness among nations and folk music is the best way.

We need some more specific Collective Peace Music Events, more organized and more effective, lead by common people, not in the hands of politics nor religious authorities, but only a humanitarian bond which is a basic ingredient for the health of a society and of individuals.

An event called Culture of Peace through Music, an exchange of Folk Music and a regular event can be organized on a yearly basis in which all the artist from the entire world participate with their own folk music.

This event can be managed in different countries every year especially In between those countries who have conflicts and do not have good Relationships such as India and Pakistan ... One year in Pakistan , the other year in India , to ensure a great exchange of artistic and cultural activities. This will enable people to change the situation and find some more effective approaches for peace.

Mohammad Iqbal Behleem Jun 6 2005
Singer & Musician for Peace

I am a singer and musician devoted to the promotion of Peace through Music and I believe that music has the power to promote conflict transformation by Enhancing nonviolence, creativity and empathy. I want To work together with artists from throughout the world, for Love & Peace. My Mission is to place my musical talents at the service of humanity, lending a helping hand to those suffering from injustice, with the goal of empowering them with hope and energy. I want to use the universal language of music to communicate the beauty of humanity and promote positive peace.

I look forward to working together with you for a better world through music, and love for life and people.

With Love, Music and Peace

Muhammad Iqbal Behleem
Universal Peace Ambassador
Love Ambassador

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Muhammad_Behleem