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Netscape V8 Browser and Composer - A Tip for Beginning Webmasters

Helping beginners design their website is no longer an option with Netscape's new 8.0 browser. So in reality, "Netscape V8 Composer" doesn't exist. Instead, you must download the 7.2 version of Netscape from the archives at Netscape's website to get the web design program Composer still. Instructions for getting the 7.2 archived product are included at the conclusion of this article

Here's a brief explanation of what has happened with the "Netscape V8 Composer" issue....

The Netscape browser has included a free web design Composer program that was automatically a part of any Netscape browser download for years. Beginners have found the Netscape Composer web design program to be quite helpful because it is an easy-to-use program with features very similar to regular non-Web publishing programs.

Netscape Composer Available through the 7.2 Version

Netscape Composer was available all the way through the 7.2 version, which had been released several years ago. Then, when the latest version of Netscape came out - the Netscape V8 browser - surprise - it did not include a Composer program and was actually new in its browser features as well.

This was confusing to those who always relied on Netscape for a dependable Composer program. I personally have used it for years in all my web design training courses, so I had to do research on this as well. Now, I send all web design students to get the 7.2 version so they'll have a Composer program to use while learning design. After all, how can one teach a Netscape Composer tutorial without the actual program?

A swarm of users rushed to download the new Netscape V8 browser assuming there would also be a Netscape V8 Composer along with it. But, there wasn't.

The next thing you know, users couldn't find their beloved Composer, so they started typing in at the search engines -- "Netscape V8 Composer." Quickly, everyone discovered that "Netscape V8 Composer" does not exist. The Composer part has disappeared. So, getting a brand new Composer is impossible - unless Netscape does decide to release it on a new browser version in the future. I hope they do, because Composer is excellent for training beginners, which is what I do for a living!

What is Netscape Composer?

Netscape Composer is a WYSIWYG web design program. This stands for "what you see is what you get." This is similar to publishing programs that new Web users were already accustomed to using, such as MS Word or MS Publisher, which allow you to design a page as you are viewing it. The only difference with Netscape Composer is that you are actually designing an HTML web page that will be usable on the Web.

How to Download Netscape Composer 7.2 Version

So, to download Netscape Composer 7.2 version (browser and web design program included), follow these simple directions:

1. Go to Netscape.com (opens in new window)

2. Click on "Browser" (currently in the page's top menu)

3. Click on "Downloads" in the top menu

4. Click on "Archived Products" in the left-hand menu

5. Choose version 7.2 on this page to get your free Netscape Composer download

At least Netscape provides the archives so we can continue to get the Netscape Composer versions.

So, no more desperate searches for "Netscape V8 Composer" - now you know the scoop on Netscape Composer!

Candice Pardue is a freelance web page writer located at http://www.webmastercourse.com/writing-services/ Go to http://webmastercourse.com/subscribe/ for a free 7-Lesson Web Beginner's Minicourse and learn web design from start to finish. This one's for beginners...

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Candice_Pardue