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Italian Typical Food » Italian Culture And Food

Italy and Its People

As a country known for its food, wine, people, culture, music, countryside, and yes even the mafia Italy has been for a long time and continues to be one of the most visited vacation destinations in the world.

Italy is a country in which culture, history and traditions blend beautifully with modern trends. One of the most interesting things about Italy is that as a people Italians are not flag wavers at all, but they are very particular about their culture and traditions and of course soccer.

Whether you choose to vacation in Florence, Rome, Naples, Milan, or Venice your can be assured your stay will be one to remember and well worth your time. Especially if you choose any one of Italy's 5 star resort hotels. These first rate hotels will accommodate and attend to your every need. Providing service beyond compare.

Italians, considered by many as one of the most beautiful collection of people in the world are very proud of their past, their culture and for them life is all about family. Italians seem to be very sociable by nature. They are friendly and will talk to anyone, and even more appealing is their sense of good humor and wit. In Italy you will hear various dialects and unique Italian accents. Accents that can sound melodious to the naked ear.

One of the first things most come to know about Italians is that they have an ongoing love affair with food and fashion. Italian food is famous worldwide.

As for fashion, it is a very important part of the Italian culture. Milan after all is the fashion capital of the world.

Northern Italy tends to be a more educated region. The pace is hectic and fast paced. Where as Southern Italy is rural and much more laidback and more relaxed. People in Italy love spending money on expensive adornments. Be it clothes, watches, shoes, jewelry or their fast cars.

Before traveling to Italy you'll do well to pick up a good English/Italian dictionary. Either that or you'll have to rely on your gesturing skills, because unlike a lot of countries English is not spoken or understood by the majority of people there.

You should also be made aware before landing in Italy that because of this country's passion for food and eating you should expect to add a few pounds on your trip. Food and eating is simply an integral part of the culture of Italy.

The world famous and always supremely popular Pizza was born in Campania along with tubular pizza and various tomato based pizza and pasta sauces. Even if you are one of those few people who do not like pizzas you should atleast try one while in the country from which it came.

A typical Italian dinner consist of an appetizer or an antipasto like bruschetta, which is a type of herbed and spiced garlic bread, prosciutto which is cured ham and melon.

The primo piatto, which is the first main course, is usually a soup or pasta. The second piatto will have meat, chicken or fish, with contorno, which is vegetable. The meal is then ended with dessert, fruits and coffee.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Clyde_Lee_Dennis