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Marketing Your Music

Marketing is a mythisized science, even within business circles. In artistic circles, marketing is often seen as a tool that Dick Dastardley and Mutley would use in the cartoon "Wacky Races". Many artists say that when a talentless artist becomes successful, it was all down to the question of marketing.

A long way from being a tool that a con artist would use, marketing really has very little to do with the talent or quality of a band or artist. When marketing is done well, it points to avenues not otherwise explored in the music market, which many times end up supplying less talented artists.

So the best way to make an alliance between talent and marketing is by losing the prejudice and undoing the myths about marketing. After all, in the music market, marketing acts in a positive way, as in any other kind of market (financial, commercial etc.).

Actually the adaptations are not all that difficult, if we understand that to work a band or an artist, we need to have a company, which needs to be successful in the market, as a company. For your music company to be successful, it needs to generate profit.

Creating a new band is the same as launching a new commercial product onto the market, very much in the same way as that product you buy in your local supermarket. The talent is there, for whoever wishes to admire and enjoy, but it is correctly packaged and promoted to the right target public.

You need to learn the first musical notes (formally in a music school, or by studying sheet music) so that later on you can start to create your own harmonious melodies. In the same way, you need to learn the "notes" of marketing before you can create a "harmonious melody" in your music company. The "harmony" in your music company is obtaining satisfactory financial results which justify the very existence of the company.

Steve Allen is consultant and music producer.

Author of "Marketing Your Music - Success Strategies", "Personal Management in the Music Industry" and "Street Teams - Expand your Fan Base"


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_J._R._Allen