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Wine Tasting Tours

For wine lovers everywhere, wine tasting & tours are the best way to experience the world. They let you really get into the culture, taste all the best foods, and of course, let you experience wines the way they were meant to be experienced. Whether you choose to visit France, Italy or stay close to home by visiting the wine region of California, here are a few tips for having the best wine vacation ever.

Before you book a wine tour of any kind, there are a few things you should do. First, you should learn all you can about wine. Visit the library or book store and get an easy to read book on wine in general. Knowing more about all kinds of wine will really enrich your wine tasting & tours. Secondly, you should become familiar with the wines in your area. Try a few (or more!) wines to get a feel for what’s available to you. Finally, drink, drink, drink! The only way to know what kids of wine you love is to try them all! Knowing what kinds of wine you prefer will enhance your wine vacation and help you bring home a few great bottles.

Now it’s time to pick a vacation spot. If you have the money, consider booking a wine tasting & tour in Bordeaux, France. Known for its exquisite wines and history, this wine vacation is truly luxurious. Maybe you’d prefer to visit the Champagne region of France instead. This is the only place on earth that can call its sparkling wine Champagne, because that’s the name of the area itself.

Another great option for wine tasting & tours is, of course, Italy. Booking a wine tour to Italy is a great way to experience Italian food and wine at it’s very finest. There are many areas of Italy to choose from when planning a wine trip. Tuscany is one of the most popular options. With warm Mediterranean breezes and lovely mountains, nature in Tuscany creates lovely deep red wines and offers classic Italian cuisine. Another great choice for Italian wine tours is Sicily. Its spicy food, wine and culture will not disappoint.

Finally, even if you do not want to travel far, you can still experience great wine and food. A California wine tour might be just the thing. This is a great wine tasting & tour option for the novice wine drinker. The wine regions of California offer a wide variety of wines, since the area is so versatile. Additionally, selecting a California wine tour is a great way to sample cuisine from around the world; the area is a melting pot of foods that go with all types of wine.

Planning a wine tasting trip in Earope? We offer info on Bordeaux wine tours - Wine Tours Bordeaux is your source for information on wine merchants and vineyards of Bordeaux, France & gourmet world food and wine tours. From hosting dinner parties to maybe a mere few keggers, there are a variety of wine and bar accessories for any host. These accessories add to one’s hosting abilities. From wine racks to cabinets and glasses and corkscrews, a variety of items exist for the wine lovers and hard liquor drinkers in your life.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sarah_Freeland