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Villa Pojana - An Old Villa Back To Life After Restoration

Grassi Pietre realized a recovery for the realization of the museum in the magnificent Villa Pojana, built up in the 1500 form Architect Andrea Palladio in Pojana Maggiore (Vicenza).

Andrea Palladio was a great architect of the 15th century. He started building for rich people in the area around Vicenza , utilizing for the first time the Vicenza Stone limestone. In particular, he was very keen of the Giallo Dorato ( yellow limestone) and the Bianco Avorio ( white limestone). Born in Padua on the 30 Nov 1508, he came in Vicenza to learn, and he is worldwide recognised as a new style creator. One of his creation, Villa Capra, also known as "la Rotonda," is today considered one of the symbol of Vicenza town.

Last year the municipality of Pojana finally took the decision to finish one of the project started from the great architect, and finally recovered the lowest floor of the villa Pojana to exhibition use. Grassi Pietre realized all the flooring in Pietra di Vicenza Giallo Dorato with two bands in Bianco Avorio, moreover in Grassi Pietre’s stone were realized also the bench for reception and some innovative exhibiting elements made of stone and iron. These materials, used now, comes exactly from the same quarry Andrea Palladio used in 1500. In this way the project of Palladio was respected. The innovative use of traditional materials created an effective meeting between tradition and innovation. The interesting project studied by Arch. Doglioni Francesco allowed a functional recovery of one of the most preserved Villas of Palladio in Vicenza.

Grassi Pietre is a leading firm in working and quarrying limestone. We want to recall to everybody that the limestone is always an interesting way of making project, it is an old and jet modern material that can be used in any project. Grassi Francesco is the architect who wrote the article and followed all the project. http://www.grassipietre.it
Grassi Pietre Srl
Via Madonetta 2
36023 Nanto VI Italy
Tel +39 0444 639092
Fax +39 0444 730071

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Grassi_Mariavittoria