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Famous Individuals From Italy

Italy is known for many things from culture to architecture, but what about famous Italian individuals? As you might imagine, there are more than a few.

Italy is home to many famous things. There are historical buildings such as the Colosseum in Rome and the Leaning Tower of Pisa, throughout the country. Also found in Italy are cosmopolitan cities, such as Rome, Florence and Venice. The food of Italy is also famous; it's hard to find a single person who doesn't enjoy a dish of spaghetti and meatballs. One aspect of the country that isn't spoken about as often, but is just as important, is the number of famous individuals from Italy. These Italians are well-known in many diverse areas – from art to science to movies.

One of the most famous men from Italy is Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni, more commonly known as Michelangelo. This painter, sculptor, architect and poet worked during the Renaissance period of Italy's history, and produced many famous works of art, such as the mural on Sistine Chapel's ceiling and the very well-known statue of David. Born in 1475, Michelangelo began his career in 1488, when he apprenticed to a famous painter, and produced many different works of art during his long life, which ended in 1564.

Another of the famous men from Italy is Leonardo da Vinci. Also known around the world for his paintings and other artistic endeavors, da Vinci was also a very forward thinking inventor and scientist. His sketches and ideas brought much to the areas of astronomy, aviation, hydrotechnology and anatomy, all in a time when these areas of science were just beginning to be studied. Born in 1542, this great thinker spent most of his life creating beautiful art such as the religious works “The Last Supper” and “Madonna and Child”. He died in the year 1619 and is buried in Saint Hubert Chapel in Amboise.

Next we turn to science to highlight a famous Italian - Galileo Galilei. This famous astronomer is known for his contributions to our understanding of the Solar System, as well as many improvements to the telescope. He is considered the “father of modern astronomy” and he is also known for his well documented arguments with the Roman Catholic church over the orbit of the Earth. He stood trial for heresy in 1633, and was not returned to the church until after his death.

The many different famous Italians appearing through history show us the wealth of important people that were born in this European country, and its significance in the worlds of art, science and culture.

Richard Monk is with http://www.factsmonk.com - a site with facts about everything.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Richard_Monk