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Italian Kitchen Design Pointers

The basic principles of Italian kitchen design are pretty straightforward but you'd be surprised how many people get it completely wrong in practice.

If you're crafting a kitchen based on the Italian way of design then before you even start you need to put your thinking cap on. Consider what the ideas are behind an Italian kitchen and if you can apply them to your design.

One thing that trips a lot of people up is when they're working with a small space. An Italian kitchen is supposed to bring the family together and normally that involves a lot of luxuries that require a significant amount of space. For example, there will be spaces set aside just for chopping vegetables and meat and room enough between surfaces for two people. These things simply aren't possible if you have a shoebox kitchen.

However, if you're clever with your space and come up with storage solutions then you can squeeze every last bit of space out of your kitchen and make a lighter, brighter space. This is also important as all Italian kitchens have a good level of light which brings warmth to the space. You won't find many Italians working in dingy kitchens with barely enough room to breath.

Planning an Italian kitchen design sounds like a stressful task when you take all of these things into consideration but it really doesn't have to be if you plan ahead and think about everything. Draw sketches and work things around to see what you can fit into your design.

By taking on board all of these steps you'll give yourself every chance of achieving a little bit of Italy, right there in your kitchen.

Toby Beckett is a kitchen design guru who publishes his thoughts, opinions and advice on kitchen design at the Kitchen Design Site.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Toby_Beckett