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Italian Fashion Houses » Italian Wedding Fashion

Bridal Fashion - What Has Changed?

There have been many changes in bridal fashion over the years. The familiar white flowing wedding gown is still very popular but it is not everyone’s first choice. Once brides were expected to have a traditional wedding dress but now they can wear anything they want. Bridal fashion can include just about any color or style of outfit, and it doesn’t have to be a dress for the bride either.

The main reason for these changes in bridal fashion is the increased freedom of choice as to where the marriage ceremony can take place. There has been a decline in traditional church weddings and alternative locations are becoming more and more popular. Bridal fashion has changed accordingly, especially with regards to the color of outfits.

Brides-to-be are looking for bridal fashion that suits their personality as well as their coloring. Many women do not like to wear the traditional white because it has a tendency to drain the color from their face and is not the most flattering color for them. Many bridal fashion designers have latched on to this and offer dresses in a wide range of colors and styles.

The most important thing about a bride’s wedding day is that she enjoys it and feels special. If you don’t want a traditional white wedding dress then don’t buy one. Whatever you decide to wear for your wedding day it will be your own unique form of bridal fashion.

Find out how to organise you wedding in your jammies! Visit http://www.a1-ourwedding.com and sort out your special day from your armchair!!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Lorna_Mclaren