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Amsterdam: A 17th Century Feeling

One of the coolest cities and the capital of Netherlands, Amsterdam is full of worth visiting destinations and interesting activities. Pubs, beautiful hip, international food and friendly atmosphere are the specialties of this country. You will feel as if you are in a town of 17th century while walking in the streets of Amsterdam. The charming character of this city mesmerizes every visitor.

The city center features numerous fine architectures that date back to 17th century. Roaming through the streets of Amsterdam on bicycle is quite a nice experience. The flatness of Amsterdam region allows you visit the entire city on foot or a bicycle. In summer, you can head towards the Vondel Park to have a relaxing afternoon. This park is a great visitor’s spot right in the center of the city. And if you are lucky enough, you can catch up with free outdoor concert.

Originally built on the shores of saltwater Zuiderzee Amsterdam features all necessary elements to entertain the tourists. Amsterdam center is like a horseshoe which is surrounded by four famous canals namely: Singel, Herengracht, Keizersgracht and Prinsengracht. City’s beautiful gabled houses soothe your eyes when you walk along these canals. Lots of small and bigger shopping centers are there on the pedestrian passages. You will find them in the post offices too. Amsterdam hotels further enhance the pleasure of staying in the city.


Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sumit_Sharma