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Go Italian - Add A Touch of Italy To Your Home

Many of you have been to Italy on holiday, and if not then we have all seen images of this beautiful country's scenery and art on Television. This is why Italian decorating styles are being increasingly recreated in other countries, and go towards creating a wonderfully clean, stylish room.

The main colours that you will want to use include cream, white and red, although you might prefer them looking marbleised, or like leather; the faux style. If you want a more textured Italian look, then plastic and stucco go brilliantly.

On the ceiling, you will be fine having a plain white ceiling, and this is often better in a small room, but in a less cluttered room, a mural on the ceiling will look much better. With the floor, carpet is not the thing, for an authentic look you could go for a lavish mosaic, although simple marble often looks better. Sometimes you can even get away with having a wooden floor covered by a rug.

When it comes to furniture, antique furnishings and reproductions look brilliant in Italian rooms, but make sure you get the right sort. The ones that look best are those with curvy and gilt patterns. You may like to also buy silk curtains for the windows, and also some vibrant pillows for the sofa.

Italian rooms beg for accessories, so try getting some miniature pillars, and definitely a statue or two. To complete the decorative look, also try out a mirror, maybe a chandelier, and an Italian painting. Whatever you decide to buy, imagine it being in your room before you purchase and make sure that it fits in with the Italian theme - if you're not sure then don't buy, as it will probably look out of place.

Once you have fully accessorised, you will have the heart of Europe in your own house, and will no longer need to travel to experience the romantic style of Italy.

IF you're bored with your current home layout then why not try something different? Italian style home decor can bring new life to many rooms and it doesn't cost lots of money either! Click on over to www.DecorSecrets.com for more information on adding an Italian flavor to your home.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Niall_Roche