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Beaujolais Nouveau

It will make its appearance on the third Thursday of November. The young and robust Beaujolais Nouveau while its older relatives linger in barrels a while longer. It is a delicious and fun addition to any holiday meal served chilled and drank with the appetizers, a turkey dinner, a cold meat tray or just to be enjoyed by itself.

The Gamay grapes are speedily grown and by a process of carbonic maceration imagine vinegar are fermented rapidly and then quickly bottled to be ready for export at the midnight hour to all parts of the world. The wine's taste is similar to strawberry and cherry flavors with some added banana. Depending upon the weather some of the Nouveau wines are really fruity with a full-bodied taste. The prices are very reasonable and they run anywhere from eight ninety-nine to eleven ninety-nine.

For lovers of white wine willing to become more familiar with the reds, a Beaujolais Nouveau is a good beginning since it is the closest to a white wine. Remembering that, it is not to be taken as seriously as the better Beaujolais. Attending a wine tasting or a fete where the Nouveau wine is featured, it is the best way to taste it and meet the producers before making a selection. Although, once the new crop wine has been tasted and a decision is made on which one to buy, the consumer will then become a part of the yearly excitement waiting for it to arrive.

For some years, the author has attended wine tastings and fetes featuring the Beaujolais and the Beaujolais Nouveau wines.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carol_A_Hill