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French Wine Country

French wine country refers to all the places within the entire French countryside, where the vineyards are cultivated. It has become a popular tourist destination attracting people from all over the world. Of course, it is also an educational place for wine lovers, who get an opportunity to increase their knowledge about the different kinds of French wine.

Travel agencies within France offer specialized wine tours, taking the tourists on a trip to a particular region or regions within France, wherein they can visit exotic vineyards. The agencies may even offer different kinds of wine tours. Corporate wine tours mainly cater to corporate companies dealing with wine, and prove to be quite helpful when the company wants to know more about a particular kind of wine or wishes to invest in it. Then, there are private wine tours as well. These are quite expensive and meant exclusively for real wine aficionados. Travel agencies also offer wine tours for tourists who have interest in wine and vineyards. These are also highly priced but not as much as the private wine tours.

Most of the vineyards offer free tasting of their various wines to the visitors. The visitors can also enjoy conversations with wine experts, thus deepening and enhancing their knowledge of wine. Those who cannot afford the wine tours, can straight away head to the French wine country and visit the villages themselves. Many villages within the wine country have tasting rooms where samples of the different wines are kept. Sometimes, there is a small charge levied for the tasting.

It is however, advised to go on a package tour as the tour guide may help you overcome the language barrier and provide you access to many places within the wineries which may not be otherwise open for individuals. The best time to visit the French wine country is usually between April and May, also the harvest time from mid to late September could be worth every penny spent.

French Wine provides detailed information on French Wine, French Wine Gifts, French White Wines, French Red Wines and more. French Wine is affiliated with Italian Red Wines.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jimmy_Sturo