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Use What You Can In Learning Italian

Do not worry if you don’t know any single Italian word because chances are, you’ll easily get the idea of any basic Italian words and phrases the moment you get to Italy. What if you were not going to Italy at all but just want to learn some Italian words? You can make good use of the audio and video resources that can be found online, there are even websites that offers free e-books in learning the Italian language.

It isn’t difficult to be able to learn some basic greetings, questions and introduction. Most likely, when you know how to place your self in a crowd, the sense of belongingness within the circle of Italian-speaking friends is going to give you a boost to learn how to speak the Italian language furthermore.

The fundamentals of the Italian language are pretty simple. But if you want to learn what else to say more than the basics, it would mean real session for memorization is at hand. Memorization doesn’t need difficult or usual methods. Simple ways like listening to Italian music and reading anything Italian while looking it up in the dictionary can help improve and enhance your Italian learning memorization skills. Memorization, if done everyday and included in your daily activities wont be a tedious task at all. You won’t even think that memorizing Italian words is a task anymore because you’re already used to adding Italian vocabulary in your memory as you work on your daily routine.

Here is an example of memorizing Italian words in its simplest sense. Try to picture a large cherry tree wearing glasses trying to drop cherry bits on the nearby cherry factory. The picture that you can make out of the words bits, cherry and glasses are all associated with the Italian word bicchieri which means glasses. The bits and cherry were used to place bicchieri in the sentence – the words were picked because when read, bits-cherry sounds the same with bicchieri.

Shareen Aguilar is a writer for http://learn-italian-program.com which has Memory Improvement Books and Memory Game Software for better Italian language memorization.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shareen_Aguilar