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Slow Down With Italian Words

The Italian language is among the Romance languages that is popularly studied and spoken by many other speakers. Regardless of the native language of a person, learning how to study Italian is always the first, second or third choice in language learning. This is because there are already many Italian speakers in mainland US and apart from that, the Italian culture has clashed with that of the US just fine. Eating spaghetti is an Italian custom, so while you're at it, why not complete what you need to know about the Italian language itself.

Though we notice Italian speakers conversing in their native language in a fast pace, it doesn't mean you have to do the same in each of your Italian exercises. It's not a problem though, in terms of pronouncing Italian words since each syllable (similar to the Spanish language) is pronounced just as how they appear. Any beginner can learn this part of the Italian language well. But there is a trick. Most newbies usually consider speaking very fast since the native Italians that they hear in a normal conversation has this trait. Don't be fooled any further, emphasize your consonants and vowels on every Italian word you use if you want to be understood.

Italian food is scattered everywhere and are popular in the American market. If you get the chance, try to read Italian ingredients, produce and beverages just as how an Italian native would read it. Read it out loud, as if you are teaching yourself the best way to pronounce it. You will realize that this activity, if done more so often, makes you comfortable in speaking the Italian language in public. When the right time comes, when you are all prep up in speaking Italian with Italian speakers regardless you are in your own country or in mainland Italy, you know that you are prepared and up for the exciting experience.

Shareen Aguilar is a writer for Learn Italian which has Memory Improvement Books and Memory Game Software for better Italian language memorization.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shareen_Aguilar