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Secrets of the Rosetta Stone Italian Software Revealed

When you are in Rome, do what the Romans do. But how are you going to do that if you do not speak Italian?

Two things you can do. You can enroll yourself in an Italian language learning center, which is expensive. Or you can plunk down a few dollars on a CD containing the Rosetta Stone Italian Software. After weighing your choices, it is certain that you will choose the Rosetta Stone Italian Software, and it is not just because it is cheaper.

The Rosetta Stone Italian Software makes it possible for you to learn Italian the way you learned your first language: without the usual translation, stressful memorization, and the more stressful study of complicated grammar rules.

And how did you learn your first language? You learned your first language by image-word associations (rewind to the time when your primary schoolteacher flashed some cards showing the picture of cat with the word “cat” on it). You also learned it by listening to your teacher pronounce the words.

Think of the Rosetta Stone Italian Software as your teacher in primary school - except that you can stop and rewind whenever you like, with just a click of a button. You certainly could not do this with your teacher.

The Rosetta Stone Italian Software lets you learn Italian the way you learned your first language: high quality flash cards show everyday things and tell you what they are in Italian. A voice recognition feature teaches you how the words are pronounced so you do not embarrass yourself when you feel like bragging to friends about how relatively good you already are in speaking Italian.

A writing program within the Rosetta Stone Italian Software also helps you build your vocabulary as well as your Italian writing skills, so you can communicate better.

When you get right down to it, the Rosetta Stone Italian Software is the best deal in learning Italian because it does not force you to learn the language in a very academic, cerebral manner. It actually just flows with the way you learn a language naturally - in the same manner you learned how to speak and respond to your mother when you were a bumbling tyke.

The Rosetta Stone Italian Software is, after all, authored by Fairfield Language Technologies, the same company that brought you the language CDs chosen by the Peace Corps, US State Department and NASA for their people.

Phillip Cazale is a personal growth consultant based in the UK. To find out more about the Rosetta Stone Italian software course, and to take advantage of a limited time promotion code guaranteeing free two day shipping of the product, feel free to visit his website (http://www.RosettaStoneItalian.info).

Rosetta Stone Italian Software

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Phillip_Cazale