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Repair Credit Ratings

To repair credit ratings is to increase your credit score card. If you have a poor credit rating and you need to repair it before applying for a mortgage or loan, there are several things that you can do. One is to check with the three credit bureaus for a copy of your scores. If you see any discrepancies that you believe to be false, have them checked and corrected right away.

If you or other creditors make too many inquiries into you credit rating, that also can have a negative effect on your overall score, although they only count for 10% of the overall score.

On the other hand, a bankruptcy usually remains on your credit report for 10 years and foreclosures can also brink your ratings down.

Don't ever take on more credit than you can handle, and always pay your bills on time, as late payments work against you. When you pay your credit card bills, always pay more than the minimum due, and keep the balances as low as possible. If you work on all of these points, it is possible to raise your credit rating by as much as 40 or 50 points is as little as one year's time. Over time, any credit rating can be repaired. If you know that yours is not that great, but you want to refinance or apply for a mortgage, it might be to your advantage to wait a year or two, so that you can obtain the lowest interest rates possible.

Credit Rating provides detailed information on Credit Rating, Repair Credit Ratings, Free Credit Ratings, UK Credit Ratings and more. Credit Rating is affiliated with Bad Credit Repair.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Gluckman