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Learning to Speak Italian - The Prepositions

Here you can learn some of the most used italian preposition: di, a, in, da

1. The Italian preposition "di" means "of" in English. It is used in many different ways as you can see below.

# To indicate possession:

Il libro di Marco - Marco's book

La casa di Elisa - Elisa's house

# To indicate what an object is made of:

La sedia di legno - The wooden chair

Un maglione di lana - A wool sweater

# To indicate origin (verb "essere" + di + name of the city):

Franco è di Palermo. - Franco is from Palermo.

Marisa è di Milano. - Marisa is from Milano.

# With certain verbs and adjectives:

Aver paura di qualcosa - To be afraid of something, to fear something

Vergognarsi di qualcosa - To be ashamed by something

# To indicate the part of the day in expressions like:

di giorno - by day

di sera - in the evening

d'estate - in summer

di notte - at night

di mattina - in the morning

di pomeriggio - in the afternoon

2. The Italian preposition "a" means "to" (indirect object and movement), "in"or "at", indicating location:

Sto a casa. - I stay at home.

Vado a Roma. - I go to the Rome.

3. The Italian preposition "da" means "since", "from" (to come from), "by" (passive verbs):

Da lunedì - since Monday

Vengo da Roma. - I come from Rome.

Ucciso da un fulmine - Killed by lightning

4. The Italian preposition "in" usually means "in" as in English, "at", "on":

Vivo in Scozia. - I live in Scotland.

Il pranzo è in tavola. - Lunch is on the table.

In fondo - at bottom

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Carlo_Callone