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Italian Kitchen Design - Tips And Useful Insight

Here are a few really useful ideas for when you're planning an Italian kitchen design.

Start by thinking about the Italian principles of kitchen design and what they relate to. More than anything, an Italian kitchen is designed to be a family friendly space that doesn't for a second compromise on functionality. It should be warm and welcoming and be a really relaxing environment to work in. If this doesn't sound like what you're planning then what you're planning isn't an authentic Italian design.

Depending on how much space you have, you should allow a good amount between surfaces so the whole family can cram in there, when you're helping each other cook those big meals. If you're working in a compact space then just do the best you can with what you have available. You can steal create that Italian look by getting everything else spot on.

Speaking of space, most Italian kitchens have an area solely designated for food preparation like chopping vegetables. This is just one example of how you shouldn't compromise on functionality if you want to be authentic in your design.

Another thing that the Italians are famous for is marble. You'll quite often see beautiful examples of it used for their surfaces and if you can really afford to push the boat out then this is an excellent acquisition to make.

It's imperative that wherever possible, you incorporate natural sunlight into your Italian kitchen design. If the sun is shining and you're working in a dark corner of your house then there will be nothing remotely Italian about the feel of your space.

These are just a few examples of how you can get your Italian kitchen design finished perfectly. The rest relies on you making sound decisions and maintaining a consistent theme for the duration of the planning process.

Toby Beckett is a kitchen design guru who publishes his thoughts, opinions and advice on kitchen design at the Kitchen Design Site.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Toby_Beckett