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French White Wines

Wine is made of mixed chemical substances that come from fruits. The aroma and tastes of wines depend on the fruits, or specifically, grapes that are used to make them.

The color of white wines is more of a golden hew, rather than what its name implies. But as it ages, its color also changes. From a beautiful golden color, which has the distinct fruit taste, to a magnificent amber color that acquires the taste of amber and honey.

Have you ever heard of Chardonnay or Burgundies? They are by far the most popular choices of white wine in constant demand at the market. White wine is available for every occasion and taste. So far, French Chardonnay takes top place when white wines are being compared.

But the label as "most famous of all white wines" goes to Champagne. Many would not believe so, but Champagne too is truly a wine, a white wine to be exact. Champagne is made from a mixture of grapes such as Chardonnay, Pinot Meunier or Pinot Nior. Champagne was first introduced by the French as a lighter alternative to red wine. Champagne is more commonly known as a "sparkling" wine.

The best way to truly appreciate French white wine is by lightly chilling it for at least 30 minutes. Different people have different ways of appreciating white wine. Most prefer drinking it over dinner with poultry or fish. Some prefer using a chilled glass, while some just pop a bottle and drink it straight up. There is no right way in enjoying white wine, its there to satisfy and excite anyone’s taste buds.

French Wine provides detailed information on French Wine, French Wine Gifts, French White Wines, French Red Wines and more. French Wine is affiliated with Italian Red Wines.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jimmy_Sturo