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Breaking Away Movie Review - Starring Dennis Christopher - Dennis Quaid - and Daniel Stern

"Breaking Away" is a very inspirational film about four 19-year-old boys from Bloomington, Indiana. The boys are known as "cutters", which is the local term for college age kids who don't go to college. The movie concerns the gang's dealing with prejudice from college kids as well as their desire to compete and make it on their own. The actors were all unknown at the time the movie was made, but they do a great job and the film is highly entertaining.

Dave, one of the cutters, is an expert biker, who has won several trophies from races. He falls in love with Italian culture and starts speaking and acting Italian. He becomes overjoyed when he learns of a 100 mile bike race hosted by Cinzano, an Italian company, featuring Italian bikers. He prepares hard for this race, alienating his friends and family in the process.

The race turns out to be a disaster, however. He races up to the head of the pack, where he encounters a group of Italian bikers. He tries talking to them in Italian, but they become very annoyed with him. One biker knocks him off his bike and into the bushes and he is unable to complete the race. His friends come to pick him up and he gives up his Italian act.

The University of Indiana is holding another bike race, the Little 500, which the cutters decide to enter. This is their chance to prove themselves to their collegiate rivals. Dave is expected to bike the whole race, but he gets injured about halfway through. His other teammates end up participating in the race, but they don't do so well. They finally insist Dave finishes the race, which he does and ends up winning by a squeak.

The movie ends with Dave going off to college. He meets a French woman there and starts learning and acting French.

http://www.yourmoviepal.com/movies/daves-best-100-movies/Breaking-Away-Movie.html”> Breaking Away - Dave's Top Movies

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